I was working on more levels, when I found two bugs. fixed one related to storing a variable as static. tracking what goals had been reached was static because I had been keeping the data from level to level in the original design but changed my design. So if the previous level had goals that we not reached and did not occur in the current level it screwed up checking if the level had been completed. Fixed that one. Other bug was a bit deeper. When a player uses the same flip a lot they are penalized by making low scoring rings more common. problem I was not resecalculating a total used to figure odds of a new color coming up so if you could get it to make al new sections same colour. On easy level this generated a new gem every frame (looks neat). So now I need something to change the color of one pie section to least mostlickley color not already in that circle when anew cirlce would generate a gem. So no free gems.
Also working on keeping score by level. I was testing that when I found other bugs.
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