Friday, August 1, 2008

2008 unity contest

Here is my Unity 2008 Unity contest log.

Team Name:Ryuuguu
Member Names:Grant Morgan
Game Name: Drop Loop
Game Description: Tetris style dropping game, able to flip and rotate blocks to make loops which destroy the blocks
Technology used (Terrains, procedural, ragdolls, etc.):nothing much fancy here. Lots of collision detection, hopefully some network freatures.
Number of players, network or single machine: Final target network 2 player. Will start with single player, when done if time remains move to two players single  machine and then finally 2 plyer networked play.
Target distributable (standalone, web player, widget): web player
Optional concept art: see above
Optional playable demo: not yet


a)have a lot of fun :). 

b)end up with a playable game

c)learn how to synchronise games across a network. I think the network comunications should be easy with Unity but synchronising objects which move based on frame rate and collisions may be tricky

d)learn more about incorperating user feedback from playtesting in to a game.

e) learn how to do some cool visual effects. Yogi's code and explanation are just waiting in the resources area to read and learned.

Starting point: The screen shoot is from a modified from an existing game I trying to publish.  So those visual elemnts I have to start with but a lot of the game play will be new code.

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